Do you know how to identify leaders in your church? This is one of the struggles of Pastors today. There is a fear of putting up a novice before his time or a charismatic leader gone rogue. If only choosing leaders were as easy as looking out for a neon sign. In my years of Continue reading
If you are a parent, you will know how thrilling and tiring having a newborn is. From the first moment you lay eyes on them, you are in awe of this new life. You do all you can to make sure the baby is safe and comfortable. The thought of leaving a newborn baby to Continue reading
In today’s digital age, information technology has proven to be an essential tool for enhancing efficiency, communication, and overall administration within organizations, including churches. Integrating IT church management systems can seem overwhelming, particularly for non-IT savvy members. Where do we begin? Which church management system should we implement? What even is a church manage... Continue reading
Do people want what you have? Is your life attractive? The truth is, our lives are the real advertisement. The Bible calls our lives a living epistle, an open book for all to read. 2 You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; 3 clearly you are an epistle Continue reading