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- Shepherding
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- Kiosk App
- Assign Course Training (Unlimited Access)
- Create Own Course Libraries
- Members
- Guests
- Events
- Child Check-in
- Giving
- Communication
- Education
- Assign UTB Training (Unlimited Access)
- Serving
- Groups
- Event Registration
- Shepherding
- Form Builder
- Kiosk App
- Assign Course Training (Unlimited Access)
- Create Own Course Libraries
- Members
- Guests
- Events
- Child Check-in
- Giving
- Communication
- Education
- Assign UTB Training (Unlimited Access)
- Serving
- Groups
- Event Registration
- Shepherding
- Form Builder
- Kiosk App
- Assign Course Training (Unlimited Access)
- Create Own Course Libraries
- Members
- Guests
- Events
- Child Check-in
- Giving
- Communication
- Education
- Assign UTB Training (Unlimited Access)
- Serving
- Groups
- Event Registration
- Shepherding
- Form Builder
- Kiosk App
- Assign Course Training (Unlimited Access)
- Create Own Course Libraries
- Membership Plan
- Church info
- Payment
Church information
Contact information
Bishop / District Leader / Superintendent
Ministry Leader
Church Staff
Login information
{{password_type==1?'Hide':'Show'}} password
- Password should contain at least one small letter
- One capital letter
- One number
- One special characters [E.g. !@#$%^&*()_ ]
By checking this box I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
- Membership Plan
- Church info
- Payment
30 Days Trial
Billed Annually
(includes 30 complimentary days)
Billed Monthly
(includes 30 complimentary days)
You're almost ready to start using ACTS!
{{promo_code_applied ? "Applied" : "Apply"}}
You do not have to pay any amount since you used 100% discount code, but we still need your card to collect payment if you use our paid service in future. No amount will be charged without your explicit consent.

ACTS does not store your credit card information. They are instead stored in Stripe, a secure payment gateway that is fully PCI compliance.
Amount to be paid ${{total_price_str}} USD
By checking this box I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.